Participation research

Two MSYPs are working on project resources in the SYP offices

In April 2022 The Right Way project group of Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) selected three policy areas of the Scottish Government to research how they can best practice the meaningful participation of young people in their work. They were:

  • Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

  • Gambling & gambling-related harms.

  • Scottish Education Exchange Programme

The Right Way hub has all the resources officials need to practice the meaningful participation of young people in their work. However, participation should look different for different policy issues and different groups of young people. It should be based on the needs of the young people affected by the issue, those involved in the participation work, and the type of information the policy area requires to support their work. While the recommendations below have been created with the three policy areas as the focus, they are general to the meaningful participation of young people and echo the results of our other research projects and the advice through The Right Way hub. Therefore, the recommendations in these three reports should also be considered by decision-makers across Scotland, especially those who work with young people on difficult or challenging topics to discuss.

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

AIM The Right Way


Article 12 and young people's right to be heard